
Geese have been domesticated for a very long time and archaeological evidence suggests that the Egyptians had domesticated geese more than 4000 years ago. Domesticated geese are larger than wild geese weighing up to 10 kg which affects their body structure. They have large fat deposits toward the tail forcing the bird to a more upright stance which prevents flying. Geese are very intelligent and will often have a good understanding of everything that is going on around them. They are very protective of their family which will make them territorial during breeding season. They will adopt and raise goslings that are not their own, even sometimes if they weren’t sitting on the nest to begin with. They enjoy grass, and can forage for much of their food if given the chance. Geese will also alert you to any strangers that show up, so they can be used for watch dogs. As well more people seem to be afraid of geese than they are of dogs which makes them good guard animals. They will live up to 20 years if kept properly and safe from predators. Domestic breeds of geese will generally lay 10-25 eggs per year, however they can lay up to 35 or 40. Current weather conditions and the breed will determine when they start laying however it is usually around the beginning to middle of March. Their eggs will take about 32-35 days to hatch once they are set. Most breeds of geese will make good natural mothers however there are a few that are less inclined to set, and obviously some that are better at it. It is important when your goose is setting on her own eggs to ensure that she still has access to swimming water as this will help her control humidity during incubation.

Duckopolis has the following breeds of geese available:

African, Buff, Embden, Pilgrim, and Toulouse